Wednesday, June 25, 2008

We're Back

Teri and I made it home. We are back with bells on. It is odd coming home after such a long time. We had a lot of fun and it was so nice to escape but at the same time it is nice to come home to reality again. I love my shower and my free toilet. And I love, love, love ice. I woke up last night and didn't know where I was. I was in a panic because I couldn't find Teri and I didn't know what hotel I was in. I guess that is the hazard of traveling.

So I need your help. I want to post pictures of our trip but I don't know how to do it. I have a ton but obviously I can't post them all. How would you like to see them. You want them by city. You want just my favorites. You want the ones with stories behind them. What is the best way to organize it? Don't just say you want to see them all. I really need help here in how the best way to do it is.

Let me know


Kelli said...

Ok, calm down! We all want to see them too but I can tell you might be hyperventilating. But you are Teri knows CPR and all that good stuff just in case! :) You can use picasa with your google account and make a slide show, that is the best way to post tons of pictures or just your favorites. I want Teri to post you singing on the bus though! Call me and I'll explain it to you because I know you have no idea what I just said!

Tori said...

she better not post me singing on the bus. I will be upset with her. She knows the rules. Whatever I did in Europe stays in Europe.

bgprincess said...

i of course won't post anything without your permission because i feel the same way. however, we will be having a discussion about the singing on the bus video... it's just so... you! everyone will love and appreciate it!