Tuesday, July 1, 2008

It's Not Weird It's Different

When I travel to different countries I have the motto of "It's not weird it's just different"

What I love about the USA

1. Ice. Ice in water, ice in soda, unlimited ice at restaurants, ice machines in hotels, just ice.

2. Free bathrooms. I like that the bathrooms in Europe are cleaner but sometimes I just don't have 50 cents on me to pay to use the toilet and if you know me at all you know I constantly have to use the bathroom.

3. Elevators. Carrying luggage up three flights of stairs is not easy or fun.

4. Air conditioning.

5. Dentistry.

Things I love about Europe

1. History and beautiful architecture

2. Little bakeries and sidewalk cafe's everywhere

3. Everyone riding their cruiser bikes and sensible public transportation

4. Green

5. Castles

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