Monday, July 14, 2008

My story of Saturday's events

Those of you who read Kelli's blog have probably read about my experience babysitting her children on Saturday. Here is my side of the story.

I did arrive very early Saturday morning. I was most nervous about Sara because she is such a momma's girl and she doesn't know me very well. Ryan woke up and seemed very pleasant until I told him his mom said he needed to take a shower. After that everything was "No, I don't", "I don't have to do that", "No, I'm not", etc. I was very calm and was ignoring it until he started playing with things that could harm him or others to get my attention. I then had to sit him on my lap and restrain him a little (he didn't know I was so strong. don't worry I was trained how to restrain children in a safe way when I worked at the preschool). I let him squirm a little and then we had a little talk about having a good day verses a bad day. He chose to have a good day but he needed to test me one more time. That is when he put the handcuffs on when I left the room. He came out and showed me with a mischeivous smile on his face. I said "Ry, I don't have a key to get those off." That is when he went from thinking he was funny to him having a panic look on his face. I told him I would call his dad but we would have to wait till Barry called us back. He followed me around and when the phone rang he jumped up and said "I think that's him". His face was enough to know that he didn't need any more of a lesson. I unlocked him and he immediately went and got in the shower and did his jobs. He was fine after that. His routine was just changed and he was feeling a little unsafe. He likes to test me but once he knew he and his sisters were safe with me he was fine.
There you go. I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that I was not freaking out.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I think I will go revise my post, I feel fully chastised for mis-representing the actually events as they occurred. I am repentant! I did forget you worked at that preschool however. And the whole thing is still really funny to me.
Thanks again!