Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I Honestly Think I've Gone Crazy

I know that I have not been updating my blog much but honestly I haven't really been up to much to have anything to say.

However, here is the funny story that emulates how lame I can be. So Steve and I went to Ichiban tonight to get half off sushi. I was so excited because I've been craving sushi for a couple of weeks now. Anyway, our waiter came to our table and he was so cute. He was so tall, which I made a comment about and found out he is 6'5". I said to Steve that he probably thought we were on a date. Therefore, Steve awkwardly said, "Oh that drink is my sister's". Who says that? It was so obviously awkward. Anyway, I was trying to be a little flirty but with Steve sitting across from me it was not easy. I thought to myself "I am going to leave him my phone number." Oh my goodness. I did it. I LEFT HIM MY PHONE NUMBER ON THE BOTTOM OF THE RECEIPT!!! Who does that? Holy Moly. I was so embarrassed. I wanted to leave the restaurant before he saw it so I was quickly leaving. However, he was coming up towards our table while I was leaving and I got nervous that he was going to see it before I left. He looked at me and said "Is everything all right". That is correct, he noticed I was a little disheveled. I said "Yup, thank you" and quickly ran out. Steve on the other hand was apparently in no hurry and walked about as fast as a slug. He just took his sweet little time. I was giving him the evil eye. I quickly got in my car and we left.
I can't believe I did that. I am lame. Oh well. What's done is done.

1 comment:

Spencer, Erin, Parker and Ben said...

I love it Tori. Good job. I did that once. So funny. Hear from him?