Friday, May 23, 2008

Genericized Trademark

So I have trying to figure out the word that describes when we use a brand name to decribe something general. For example, Kleenex is a brand name whereas tissue is the general term. However, we usually ask for a kleenex not a tissue. Some other examples are Xerox, Speedo, Band-Aid, Dumpster, Frisbee, iPod, Popsicle, Q-tips, and Tupperware. There are plenty more but I want you to tell me what are some you can think of. I still have not figured out the word that denotes it but I am still looking. I thought it was onomatopoeia but that is not correct. Onomatopoeia is a word that imitates the sound it is describing such as "boom", "click", or "slurp". Kelli if onomatopoeia doesn't bring up some funny memories from way back when I will be dissappointed.
Also, I just love Palindromes. I think I am going to name all my children with palindromic names. Any ideas? Here are two good palindromes... "Sit on a potato pan, Otis" or "A man, a plan, a canal - panama".
I know I am so lame but things are just so interesting to me. See if your kids can come up with some easy palindromes.

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