Friday, May 16, 2008


I am so unmotivated to work today. It has been the longest week of my life and I am just waiting for 3:30 to come so I can go home and have a great weekend. Maybe I will skip out like 15 minutes early. I am such a rebel.
I am a little nervous about the Jazz game tonight. I just really want them to beat the Lakers. When it comes down to it my day will still go on the same if they lose but it is always fun to see them win. Big night. Go Jazz

Okay so Kelli did this on her blog so I am doing it. This way Kelli you can get back at me for what I said on your blog. Don't be too harsh. Teri and Matt - I also expect you to participate.

Tori is __________________.


Kelli said...

Ok, the pressure is on, let me see... Tori is very responsible, fun and funny, spontaneous (sp?), determined, driven, level headed, smart, loyal, talented and probably a bit embarrassing :) (depending on who you ask that is.)

I bet you didn't leave work 15 minutes early. And if you did, wow girly, you are living on the wild side!

Melissa said...

I would say...No one is a truer friend, no one will get out and dance or party like she can, but no one will sit and listen when you need it. She can do everything 150%. Basically if she wants something, don't you try to tell her no. It just has not happened. Everything I wish I could be... is that all too cheesy?

bgprincess said...

can i just say... ditto to their comments? i'm just grateful that they were willing to share you with me!