Sunday, April 27, 2008

When You Need Your Mom

Every once and awhile something happens that makes you want to scream "I need my mom". As an almost 29 year old (gulp) I don't call upon my mom for many things but this weekend I really needed her. I was not feeling well on Friday. I think it was some type of stomach flu. As I was sitting with my head over the toilet I kept thinking "I just want my mom to hold my hair back for me and rub my back while I vomit all this stuff up." Only a mothers love could be patient enough to watch as a child is throwing up. It is just not the same when you have to hold your own hair back. I commend all you mothers out there. You put up with some really gross stuff.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

So glad your feeling better, but almost 29 is not as bad as almost 30!