Thursday, April 24, 2008

Parent Teacher Conferences

So I am sitting here at Parent Teacher Conferences which makes for a really long day. I work from 7:30 am to 9:00 pm. What is a girl to do with all that time. I highly encourage all of you parents to make sure you attend parent teacher conferences. Even if you have stellar children with great grades and behavior it is important you show your support to the teachers and the school.

I am tracking the University of Utah gymnastics right now. It is the national championships and I am pulling for them. They have been so well. I hope they can pull off the upset and kick Georgia around a little bit. Gymnastics is so amazing. Can you imagine trying to spin around on a bar? Are you kidding me? Holy Moly, it is amazing.

Many of you know that I use the term Holy Moly a lot. I now know where that statement comes from. Check back at a later date and I will give you the origin.

Useless knowledge of the day: Only female mosquitoes bite. Male mosquitoes get their nutrients from nectar and such. However, females need the sugar from blood for reproduction. I just thought you all might be interested.

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