Sunday, April 13, 2008

New Goal

I have a new goal to keep up to date with my blog. I don't know if I will be as diligent as Kelli but I will certainly do my best.

Yesterday was beauty day for my nieces and myself. They slept over on Friday evening and we went to the salon on Saturday. They got their hair cut and curled. It was so fun and they were so excited. My only two gripes are the fact that they woke me up at 7:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning and that I spoil them too much and spend too much money on them. I just love them too much I guess.

They were so funny. They kept wanting to call and text all my friends. They got so excited when a text buzzed them. I was getting such a kick out of it. Thank you to all my friends who were such good sports in humoring them.

I have spent way too much money this past month. Holy Moly. Usually I am pretty good about keeping a budget. I guess there was just too much going on these past couple of weeks. I was planning on doing a bunch of shopping in North Carolina but that might change to just a little bit of shopping. Sorry Dan.

Anyway, I could go on for days with all the fun stuff to put on my blog but since I have made a new goal I will save some of it for later.

P.S. Here are my new shoes I just bought. I feel like a 14 year old when I wear them.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Yeah, I love your new goal! Those shoes do belong on a 14 year old by the way. :) And you never over spend! Are you sick or something?