Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Holy Moly

As I promised earlier I will now explain where the phrase Holy Moly is derived from. Moly is an herb similar to garlic which in earlier times people used to considered in a sense magical. People used it in spiritual situations for healing and such. Hence the term Holy Moly. Now many of you might think I am full of crap but it is true.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

When You Need Your Mom

Every once and awhile something happens that makes you want to scream "I need my mom". As an almost 29 year old (gulp) I don't call upon my mom for many things but this weekend I really needed her. I was not feeling well on Friday. I think it was some type of stomach flu. As I was sitting with my head over the toilet I kept thinking "I just want my mom to hold my hair back for me and rub my back while I vomit all this stuff up." Only a mothers love could be patient enough to watch as a child is throwing up. It is just not the same when you have to hold your own hair back. I commend all you mothers out there. You put up with some really gross stuff.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Parent Teacher Conferences

So I am sitting here at Parent Teacher Conferences which makes for a really long day. I work from 7:30 am to 9:00 pm. What is a girl to do with all that time. I highly encourage all of you parents to make sure you attend parent teacher conferences. Even if you have stellar children with great grades and behavior it is important you show your support to the teachers and the school.

I am tracking the University of Utah gymnastics right now. It is the national championships and I am pulling for them. They have been so well. I hope they can pull off the upset and kick Georgia around a little bit. Gymnastics is so amazing. Can you imagine trying to spin around on a bar? Are you kidding me? Holy Moly, it is amazing.

Many of you know that I use the term Holy Moly a lot. I now know where that statement comes from. Check back at a later date and I will give you the origin.

Useless knowledge of the day: Only female mosquitoes bite. Male mosquitoes get their nutrients from nectar and such. However, females need the sugar from blood for reproduction. I just thought you all might be interested.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Internet Safety

So I taught a course on internet safety yesterday to a group of young women and young men for a friend of mine. Internet safety is something I feel so strongly about. I live on the internet and I use it for everything but I strongly believe that parents and students really need to be aware of the dangers that come with internet. Also, we need to be educated on the proper precautions to take. Those of you with children, I highly encourage you to teach your children about the internet and what is safe and what is not. Kids just don't see the dangers of giving out their personal information to strangers. You can't start too young. My six year old niece knows how to navigate the internet and now that she is learing to read and spell it can be scary.

Also, I created this blog on the request of a couple of my close friends. However, I tend to forget to update it. I am doing really well on my new goal of keeping it updated but I need to know if anyone is paying attention. Let me know if you are visiting it frequently. That way I can justify it. I know it is not all cute yet but that will come. Maybe in the summer when I have nothing to do.

Monday, April 21, 2008

I love Trees

So I have been out of town for the past weekend (sorry Kelli, I know my goal was to blog more often but I was gone). I went to North Carolina and I have to say I just love trees everywhere. When you are driving down the freeway all you can see are trees. You can't even tell there is a shopping mall right in the middle. It was great. Unfortunately I am not as happy with my camera as some people and I didn't take a lot of pictures. Sorry about that. But I had a great time and am a little sad to be home and facing the real world again. Blah

Monday, April 14, 2008

What Causes Physical Emotions

So I have random thoughts quite often. I like knowing useless knowledge but I also try to comprehend how our physical bodies connect with our spiritual selves. I wonder why it is that we feel emotion so strongly in our hearts. Why is it that emotional pain is so much more unbearable than physical pain? Why does your heart feel so much when you are sad, upset, heartbroken, etc.? I would rather be in total physical pain then being heartbroken. I wonder what our bodies go through to cause that pain. I understand that so much of our emotions are connected to our spiritual selves but there has to be a physical reaction also. Is it the nervous system? I don't know. If anyone has a good answer let me know. Is it just more evidence that we have a spiritual self. My friend Dan told me that your brain does not have pain receptors, therefore you can not feel pain in our brains. More proof that our mind and bodies are separate. Interesting don't you think?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

New Goal

I have a new goal to keep up to date with my blog. I don't know if I will be as diligent as Kelli but I will certainly do my best.

Yesterday was beauty day for my nieces and myself. They slept over on Friday evening and we went to the salon on Saturday. They got their hair cut and curled. It was so fun and they were so excited. My only two gripes are the fact that they woke me up at 7:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning and that I spoil them too much and spend too much money on them. I just love them too much I guess.

They were so funny. They kept wanting to call and text all my friends. They got so excited when a text buzzed them. I was getting such a kick out of it. Thank you to all my friends who were such good sports in humoring them.

I have spent way too much money this past month. Holy Moly. Usually I am pretty good about keeping a budget. I guess there was just too much going on these past couple of weeks. I was planning on doing a bunch of shopping in North Carolina but that might change to just a little bit of shopping. Sorry Dan.

Anyway, I could go on for days with all the fun stuff to put on my blog but since I have made a new goal I will save some of it for later.

P.S. Here are my new shoes I just bought. I feel like a 14 year old when I wear them.