Here we are in Munich, Germany. I really liked Munich but it was the dirtiest of the big cities. Munich is the site of Oktoberfest. Very large open field that is just nothing except for the one month of the year they like to drink. Well if we are being honest they always like to drink.
This is the only picture I took of Dachau concentration camp. I didn't feel that it was appropriate to take a bunch of pictures. I can't even describe the feeling of going to a concentration camp. It was very sobering. How do you even begin to know what these people went through. Two thousand men lived in quarters built for two hundred. The gas chamber which posed as a shower was a little too much to handle. Visiting a concentration camp is definitely an undescribable feeling.

Teri and I in front of a Palace in Munich that I just totally blanked on the name. We didn't actually go in the palace with everyone else because we wanted to spend our time outside in the acres and acres of gardens. We figured we walked about three miles around the gardens of this palace. The funny story is that we went into a little house that was situated in the gardens and a man was there. He started speaking German to me. I obviously didn't know what he was saying so I spoke in English thinking he would know English. He continued to speak in German. Instead of me saying "I don't understand" I just nodded my head and said "Oh, I see." Teri got a big kick out of that because she knew I had no idea what he was saying to me. We laughed at that for quite some time.

Teri and I posing on a bridge. Yes, Teri posed.

This is a look out from Neuschwanstein Castle. The lake on the right is Swan Lake (like the ballet)

This is the castle that Cinderella's castle was modeled after. It was quite the hike. You will notice that it is on the top of a hill. The hike was pretty steep. I thought that I would have a hard time because I hadn't exercised but I was fine. I guess all that walking and stair climbing kept me in shape. Coming down we decided to veer off course and come down a little trail. However, the trail dissipated and we were lost. The girls were looking at me and I didn't have Teri with me. I acted calmly like I knew what I was doing and we found the cafe we were meeting at. My new motto is "just act calm"

This picture was a bugger to take in more ways then one. We were on this narrow, wooden bridge with lots of people. Our tour guide was taking our picture but he kept getting so close. Teri and I hate close ups. I kept moving my head back but tried to keep my chin out so I didn't have double chin. He kept laughing at me so we couldn't take the picture. I told him to back up and he was like "do you want me to jump of the bridge". Then a bug flew into my ear. Not by my ear but into the ear canal. I screamed like a sick hyena which obviously made us laugh even harder. Oh Ana, if only you were there we would have never stopped.
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