So June 6th, 1944 was D Day. D Day was an invasion in Normandy, France during World War II. June 6th, 1979 was the D Day of my birth. This birthday has been a little different for me. I am usually super excited for my birthday but being that this is my last year of the twenties. Kind of shocking. Wow, I am almost out of my twenties.
Anyway, I went to lunch with my mom and dad and Riley. She is a crazy lady. A very crazy lady. Then I just took it easy. Tonight I went to dinner with my friends. We went to the Spaghetti Factory because I was craving Browned Butter and Mizithra Cheese pasta. It didn't disappoint.
We then came home and Misty and Stephanie made some caramel popcorn and Teri and I decided we wanted to get crazy. We put the Love Sac at the bottom of the stairs and I rode a sled down the stairs into it. I convinced Matt to ride with me and the video shows how that turned out. Matt thinks he broke his foot. I think he is a big baby. Well, just kidding, it won't let me upload the video so just pretend you saw me fall off the sled and down the stairs.
I'm sorry I missed the fun! Where do you guys think this stuff up anyway?
Who is that sexy sexy man in the UTES hat? Tor will you post his number? Thanks! Oh and maybe lay off the stair sledding....its just not safe!
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