Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I think I am a one upper

Do you know those people who we call one uppers? They are those who always have to up your story by one. For example, you tell your one upper friend that you know someone who saw a celebrity at a restaurant and all of the sudden the one upper is best friends with that celebrity. They've always gone somewhere more exciting, know bigger people, you get the picture.

Anyway, I went to dinner last night with some of my good friends that I went to grad school with. We spent a lot of time together when we were in school. I think I saw them more than anyone else. At dinner I found myself talking about myself a lot and always bringing up a story about me. I didn't like that I acted that way. I think I turned into a one upper. I have been deciphering why I was that way and I think it is partly due to the fact that since we met they both have gotten married and have super cute babies and I am still in the same place. I don't say that to be pitiful but I think I was feeling a little like I needed to show that I have been doing stuff too. Anyway, I think it is positive that I am aware that I did that. I am sorry for my one upper moments and I will definitely work on it.


Anonymous said...

i think we all do this sometimes.
just as long as it's not all the time then your good.

Melissa said...

I don't think that a true "one upper" would have had the heart to notice what they did, or to be concerned about it if they did, so...I am sure you are not a real one!

Spencer, Erin, Parker and Ben said...

Tori you stinker. I just read this and you were not that way at all. Silly girl. Also, you have done just as much with your life- hello traveling. I loved my traveling days and miss them while I'm changing diapers sometimes so don't get too jealous. :)