Anyway, I was cleaning my closet today because I can't seem to fit all of my shoes in there (don't worry, I wasn't planning on getting rid of any shoes. Just reorganizing). If you've seen my closet you know it is not very spacious. As I was cleaning I thought I would count to see how many I really have. Are you ready for the magic number? I have 43 pairs of shoes give or take two. I honestly don't think that is bad. Just so you know I counted my roommates as well and she has more and that is not counting the various flip flops she owns. Also, I will say that out of the 43 pairs I would say that I wear 35 of them on a regular basis (during their season that is). I am very good at getting rid of shoes that I don't wear.
Here is a picture of the most recent shoes I have acquired. I got them all in one week which I know seems excessive but one of them was a birthday gift. Anyway, you can see that they are all very different styles. Plus, they were all on sale (gray boots were 70% off). I very rarely buy a shoe that is not on sale.
Here is what I want to know. What is your magic number? Am I jaded in thinking 43 is average? How many pairs do you have?
am i the roommate you were referring to? since you counted mine, how many do i have. let me know so you can save me the time counting them.
I have about 20 and I wear about 4. I think that is because I'm a boring mom. And 43 is probably a little excessive, who are you trying to kid?
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