Okay, so after reading many other blogs I notice that people like to make lists about themselves so here is my attempt. I don't know that I will surprise any of you but here you go.
1. I am not a cute blogger. It is just enough for me to update. Maybe the summer will bring better blogging.
2. I have a new fascination with crossword puzzles. I have been able to learn so many new vocabulary words. Also, I get a little pleasure from completing a full crossword without help.
3. When I go on a plane I have I always travel with People magazine and strawberry Mentos. I never go on a plane without those two essential items.
4. I love to shop for other people. I could spend hours shopping for someone else. The only rule is that you have to try on what I give you. You don't have to like it but you have to try it on.
5. I use the restroom at least twice as much as every I know. I always have to pee. I wake up at least once a night to use the restroom. What will happen if I ever get pregnant?
6. I love a man with a hot body in a speedo (Teri knows what I am talking about). If you don't agree then I encourage you to watch the Summer Olympics this year and focus on Micheal Phelps. Holy Moly!
7. I love taking naps. I always have. Again, what am I going to do if I ever have children.
8. I think the world of my friends. I wish I could take Ana's genuine love for others, Teri's desire, Misty's quick humor, Stephanie's laid backness, Kelli's creativity, Melissa's giving nature, and Lindsey's boobs (haha just kidding), I mean Lindsey's courage and wrap it up in me. If I had even a little of this I would could myself lucky.
9. I don't cry often but when I do the flood gates open and it is hysterical tears. I don't find this a strength but a weakness. Thank you to Teri and Ana and Kelli and Melissa and Lindsey who are the few who have experienced.
10. This was super hard.
Good list. And this picture of you is so YOU and it makes me smile really big. plus, Teri behind you it sort of funny too. "Please shoot me now, Tori is doing something embarrassing, Again!"
Have I told you lately that I Love YOU? :)
did michael phelps wear a speedo? i remember, and prefer, the swimming spandex shorts? however on him either will do. 08/08/08 summer olympics baby! can't wait!
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